أكاديمية الألسن الأردنية للغات مختصون في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها
Jordan Language Academy specialized in teaching arabic as a second language
News and Announcements


We have reached an agreement with American consultants for Training (ACT). Now we are affiliated with ACT. You can be assessed and have your transcript certified by ACT. ACT is a leading international organization based in Texas, USA, that provides training, career development and consultation services for educational institutes as well as businesses around the world. ACT offers a world's leading range of certificates based upon an international standardized assessment scheme which was developed in accordance with The American Association for training and consultation.


News 2

As a member of the Jordanian Association of Translators and Applied Linguists (JATAL), Jordan Language Academy is proud to be affiliated with JATAL. You can have your certificate and transcript issued by JATAL. The Jordanian Association of Translators and Applied Linguists is an official Jordanian organization based in Amman. The Association offers certificates after they refer to the records, reports and a summary of course work offered by JLA. The Association offers two types of certificates:

  1. A certificate of attendance: this can be offered to all students who attend classes regularly
  2. A certificate of passing courses examination: this can be offered after passing final exams
