أكاديمية الألسن الأردنية للغات مختصون في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها
Jordan Language Academy specialized in teaching arabic as a second language
Academic Credit

Jordan Language Academy can help in arranging academic credit on an individual basis. If student are in a university or college and they like to receive academic credit at their home institution, they need to pass final exams for all the Arabic courses at JLA. Students should discuss in advance with their professor on their campus their desire to transfer credits and have the professor sign the appropriate part of the application form. Students may choose to be graded on an A, B, C, D, F scale, or PASS/FAIL.

A written summary of course work and individual achievement will be provided for any student applying for university credit. We can provide your home institution with course syllabi, course descriptions, and course schedules to help them approve the classes. Once you have begun taking courses here we can continue to communicate with your home institution with attendance sheets, grades, and progress reports. And finally, upon course completion, an official transcript is provided.


We offer two types of certificates:

  • A certificate of attendance: this can be offered to all students who attend classes regularly.
  • A certificate of passing courses examinations: this can be offered after passing final exams for all or some Arabic courses. If students choose to receive this kind of certificate they should sit for a final exam and receive grades. An official transcript is issued with this certificate. This type of certificates can be offered to all or part of the courses you study.